It is critical to maintain healthy skin from an early age. Several skin conditions are common among infants, children, and adolescents. Clearing up these pediatric issues requires a skilled and experienced professional. At Feinstein Dermatology, our board-certified dermatology team has many years of experience treating patients of all ages in the Delray Beach community.

The Importance of Specialized Care
Pediatric dermatological needs require a specialist to diagnose and treat effectively. Many common skin conditions, such as eczema, can flare up in babies and younger children, causing the child discomfort and parents to worry. Other skin issues, like birthmarks, may become more pronounced with age, making it important to evaluate early on. A pediatric skin care specialist will possess the knowledge and skills to ensure comprehensive treatment, all while keeping young patients safe and comfortable.
Conditions We Treat
- Acne
- Birthmarks
- Congenital Nevi
- Eczema
- Hair loss / Alopecia
- Moles
- Molluscum
- Port Wine Stains
- Psoriasis
- Tinea / Ringworm
- Vitiligo
- Warts
Meet Our Board-Certified Dermatology Team
At Feinstein Dermatology in Delray Beach, FL, our commitment is patient satisfaction and loyalty. We are defining the new standard in customer experience and outcomes, striving to lead by example for others to follow. With a dedicated patient base of over thirty-five thousand (35,000) individuals who have entrusted us with their dermatological and cosmetic needs, we have earned our reputation as a leading provider in the field.
Our team comprises dedicated professionals, including board-certified dermatologists, a board-certified Mohs surgeon, and a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon. We invite you to experience the exceptional care and dedication that defines Feinstein Dermatology.
Meet Your Providers
Pediatric Dermatology FAQs
Elevate Your Child’s Well-Being
Nothing is more important than your child’s health. Get the dermatological care your little one needs by trusting the skilled and experienced hands at Feinstein Dermatology. Contact our Delray Beach, FL location at (561) 498-4407 to schedule a consultation.