Understanding the Causes of Acne

Acne is a condition that can affect individuals of varying age groups, with teenagers being particularly susceptible. It is primarily triggered when pores become clogged with dead skin cells. While the body naturally sheds these cells, an increased production of sebum (the skin’s natural oil) can cause these cells to clump together within the pores. This accumulation, along with the presence of bacteria, can lead to redness, inflammation, and the development of acne blemishes.

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Types of Acne

Acne is a versatile condition that can manifest in various ways. The most common symptoms are blackheads and whiteheads, typically appearing on the face and shoulders. These are non-inflammatory types of acne. However, acne can also present in other forms, including:

Non-Inflammatory Acne

  • Blackheads (Open Comedones): These tiny dark spots aren’t caused by dirt, but by oxidized oil and dead skin cells. They’re like little plugs in your pores, open at the surface and reacting with the air.
  • Whiteheads (Closed Comedones): Similar to blackheads, but these bumps remain closed at the surface, appearing as small, flesh-colored bumps.

Inflammatory Acne

  • Papules: These red, tender bumps signal inflammation within your hair follicles.
  • Pustules: Red at the base and filled with white or yellowish pus; these are your classic pimples.
  • Nodules: Larger, deeper, and more painful than papules, nodules lurk beneath the skin’s surface.
  • Cysts: These deep-seated, pus-filled lesions are the most severe form of acne and can often lead to scarring.

Other Acne Culprits

  • Hormonal Acne: Fluctuations during puberty, menstruation, or pregnancy can trigger breakouts, especially on the lower face and jawline.
  • Fungal Acne (Malassezia Folliculitis): Don’t let the name fool you; this isn’t caused by a fungus, but rather an overgrowth of yeast on your skin. It appears as small, itchy bumps that can be mistaken for regular acne.
  • Acne Mechanica: If you’re an athlete or frequently wear tight clothing or helmets, friction, heat, and pressure can cause this type of acne.

Acne Treatment Options

Your path to clear, healthy skin begins with a thorough evaluation and diagnosis by our board-certified dermatology team. Your doctor will meticulously assess your skin, determining the type and severity of your acne. This information is the foundation for a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

Effective Treatment Approaches

The primary method for addressing acne is topical medications, which can target bacteria on your skin or reduce your skin’s oil production. Additionally, we offer a range of treatment options, including:

  • Antibiotics
  • Hormone regulation through birth control and other methods
  • Laser therapy
  • Chemical peels
  • “Drainage and extraction” acne removal

Your board-certified dermatologist will guide you in selecting the treatment approach best suited to your specific requirements.

Forever Clear® BBL for Acne Treatment

Forever Clear® BBL from Sciton is a breakthrough acne treatment that harnesses the power of light to combat breakouts and promote clearer skin. This innovative technology utilizes a unique three-step process involving blue, yellow, and infrared light to target acne at its source. Blue light eliminates acne-causing bacteria, while yellow light reduces inflammation and redness. Finally, infrared light stimulates the body’s natural healing processes, promoting overall skin health and rejuvenation. Forever Clear® BBL is a safe, effective, and comfortable treatment with minimal downtime, making it an ideal solution for individuals seeking a non-invasive approach to achieving clearer, healthier skin. To learn more about how to transform your skin, visit our Forever Clear BBL treatment page!

Comprehensive Aftercare

During and after your acne treatment, we will provide comprehensive guidance on caring for your skin. Aftercare involves simple routines, such as washing your face twice daily and after rigorous exercise or sweating. We recommend using a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser applied with your fingertips, as excessive scrubbing can worsen acne symptoms.

Acne Treatment FAQs

If you’re suffering from acne, you are not alone. Over 5.1 million people seek treatment for acne in any given year, according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association. Teenagers are specifically prone to acne because of their fluctuating hormones, but acne is common in adults as well. Hormonal changes, stress, environmental factors, a woman’s menstrual cycle, certain skincare products, sweat, or genetics can all play a part in causing adult acne.

Inflammation of acne lesions can lead to acne scars. The pore wall breaks down, causing the acne pore to expand. Some acne lesions are tiny, leaving superficial scars that heal fast. To treat the scar, the skin produces new collagen fibers. Other forms of acne can lead to more permanent scarring, especially when extractions are attempted by someone other than a board-certified dermatologist.

Acne treatments, especially those that involve topical medications such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or prescription retinoids, can sometimes cause dryness as a side effect. These treatments are designed to target acne by removing excess oil and promoting skin turnover, which can lead to temporary dryness and flakiness. It’s important to use these treatments as directed by your dermatologist and to incorporate a moisturizer into your skincare routine to help mitigate dryness. If dryness becomes severe or persistent, consulting with your doctor can help adjust the treatment plan for better tolerance.

It’s essential to differentiate between the initial worsening of acne during the purging phase and a negative reaction to a particular product. If your skin doesn’t show improvement after a few weeks or you experience severe irritation, it’s advisable to consult with Dr. Feinstein, a board-certified dermatologist. He can guide you on whether to continue the current treatment or make adjustments based on your skin’s response.

Several approaches can effectively target and eliminate the bacteria primarily responsible for acne, Propionibacterium acnes. Benzoyl peroxide, an accessible over-the-counter option, increases oxygen levels within pores, making them unsuitable for bacterial growth. Topical and oral antibiotics are commonly prescribed to address bacterial infections in more severe acne cases. Additionally, innovative light-based therapies like Forever Clear BBL combine blue, yellow, and infrared light to destroy acne-causing bacteria, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. For persistent or stubborn acne, our board-certified dermatologists may suggest combining multiple treatments or utilizing stronger prescription medications such as isotretinoin, which diminishes oil production and targets the bacteria itself.

It can be tricky to tell if your acne is primarily bacterial or hormonal, especially since both factors often influence breakouts. If you’re seeing pustules and papules, and your acne responds well to over-the-counter acne medications containing benzoyl peroxide or prescription antibiotics, it’s likely more bacterial in nature. Hormonal acne, on the other hand, often presents with deeper, more painful cysts or nodules around the jawline and lower face. It may also flare up in connection with your menstrual cycle or other hormonal shifts. If you suspect your acne is linked to hormonal changes or if it’s persistent despite using typical acne treatments, it’s essential to see a board-certified dermatologist. Our board-certified physicians can accurately diagnose the cause and recommend the right approach.

Feel Good About Your Skin

At Feinstein Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery, we’re more than just skincare experts in the heart of the Palm Beaches – we’re your partners in feeling good about your skin, for life. Our commitment is to help you embrace your skin’s natural beauty and maintain a healthy, confident glow. We understand that your skin reflects your well-being, and we’re dedicated to making you feel comfortable in your own skin. Don’t wait to take that first step towards your skincare journey – schedule a consultation at our office for acne treatment in Delray Beach, FL today at (561) 498-4407, and let us be the dermatologists who are there for you, every step of the way.